Take a class in an amphitheatre with regularly registered students or train anywhere and anytime? It is possible at the University of Liège!

Take courses as a student registered  for single module

Three courses for a maximum of 20 credits are allowed, with the written agreement of the professor (and that of the dean for the Faculties of Science, Applied Sciences, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Psychology, Law and Philosophy and Letters).

An entry permit (C.E.S.S.) is required for the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

Prior authorization from the Faculty is required to attend a limited number of individual courses as a free student and to take the examinations, which, if successful, will be certified by a certificate of achievement (not a diploma).

Our offer
registration procedures

MOOC ULiège, university knowledge at your fingertips

Learning anywhere, anytime: new technologies are essential tools in the training provided by the University of Liège. Interactive and multimedia, incorporating videos, exercises, forums, quizzes and peer reviews, MOOCs - these free courses, designed to be followed entirely at a distance by very large cohorts of participants around the world - are part of a process of maximum democratization of knowledge. Faced with their technological deployment and their "100% online" specificity, they also present themselves as a new form of learning within the curricula in which they take their place, challenging somewhat the pedagogical methods traditionally in place in our universities.

Consult the MOOCs website of ULiège

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